In Melbourne, termites, particularly subterranean termites, are active year-round, but their activity levels can be influenced by seasonal variations. The specific time of year when termites do the most damage can vary depending on the termite species, environmental conditions, and other factors. However, there are a few general trends to consider:

  • Spring and summer: Termite activity tends to increase during the warmer months, particularly spring and summer. Warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels create favorable conditions for termite colonies to thrive and forage for food. During this time, termites may be more active in their search for cellulose-based materials, including wood in and around structures.
  • Wet seasons: In Melbourne, the wetter seasons, typically in spring and autumn, can contribute to increased termite activity. Moisture is crucial for termite survival, and increased rainfall can create more conducive conditions for termites to establish and expand their colonies. The presence of excess moisture in and around a property can also attract termites, making it important to address moisture issues promptly.
  • Post-rain events: Following heavy rain or flooding, there may be an upsurge in termite activity. Flooding can displace termite colonies from their original nesting areas, leading them to search for new sources of food and moisture. It is important to be vigilant after such events and conduct thorough inspections to ensure there are no signs of termite activity.

While termite activity may be more noticeable during these periods, it is crucial to remember that termites can still be active and cause damage throughout the year. Subterranean termites, which are the most common termite species in Melbourne, are capable of working year-round, even in cooler temperatures.

To protect your property from termite damage, it is recommended to have regular termite inspections by licensed pest control professionals and to implement preventive measures such as moisture control, eliminating wood-to-soil contact, and using termite-resistant materials in construction. By staying vigilant and taking proactive steps, you can help mitigate the risk of termite infestations and minimize potential damage to your property, get in touch with your experienced termite extermination team today at Professional Termite Control Melbourne.